Meet The Team

Matt Morton
Todd Kitto
​I've been very fortunate with the experiences and friendships that sport has provided over the years. One of the main reasons I've made the transition from playing to coaching is the great coaches I've had throughout my journey that have inspired me to give back to the game I love, 'Hockey'. Within my coaching, I strive to create the best environment for enriched learning by encompassing five main pillars: Fun, Challenge, Connection, Self-reflection & Ability to make errors and learn from those mistakes.
My playing journey began at a young age following my brothers footsteps in playing tennis and hockey. Whilst playing both individual and team sports, it provided the opportunity to develop both mateship in a team environment and self-drive through an individual sport. Long story short, playing in a team and embracing the highs and lows of sport together won!
From the age of 14 to 21 I was fortunate enough to make State sides ranging from U12 through to the Australian Hockey League. At the age of 19 I was introduced to the world of coaching and with great mentors along the way I found a true love for helping others strive to be the best they could be. Over the past 10 years, I've been involved coaching State programs from U15 through to Adelaide Fire Women in the National Hockey One League. From a club perspective, I've been involved with coaching senior hockey from day dot, and have now been involved with the Premier League Women's team at Seacliff for six years and the Men's team for two (and counting).
Cert IV in Fitness
Level 3 FIH Coach
Hockey Australia Advanced Coach
Previous U15, U18 & U21 SA Head Coach
2019 Adelaide Fire Women Assistant Coach
Current Seacliff HC Premier League Men & Women Head Coach
Current SASI Dragflicking & Technical Skill Coach
5x Premier League Premiership Player
15 years of playing Junior / Senior State (including AHL)
I am sure my sporting experience is like many, full of fond memories, highlights and of course disappointments. But where would we be without it all? I have come to appreciate the journey and the lifelong lessons we learn, the friendships we make, the hardships and struggles, and the excuse to escape the business of the world and just PLAY!
My passion for coaching has been inspired from the many coaches that made sessions fun, competitive and rich in learning. My goal is to make each session truly valuable for every participant so they too can confidently enjoy the journey of development through sport.
Fortunately, I have always been supported and encouraged by my parents to try every sport or activity I was interested in. Turns out it was most, but I found hockey above the rest. The exciting skill, pace and strategy gets you hooked, and I loved its unique qualities in comparison to other sports. Between ages of 12 and 26 I played and captained several state teams. Enjoying the leadership roles, I gave coaching a crack which opened some doors I would have never dreamed of.
Coaching from the age of 14, I began coaching and managing various state-based programs, from SASI, to state teams and Academies, I developed skills which helped me start a career in Physical Education Teaching. I had a stint coaching in Vanuatu, which saw us climb the world rankings and qualify for the 2018 Youth Olympics. I spent time in the Pacific Islands with a focus on coach and umpire education. Now I have started a family, I have made a return to teaching in Adelaide, thankfully my school offers Hockey as a subject, so cool!
Level 3 FIH Coach & Master Educator
Hockey Australia Advanced Coach
Master Educator in Sport Development
Current SA Under 16 School Boys Head Coach
2017-2018 Vanuatu Senior Men's National Head Coach
2017-2018 Vanuatu U18 Men Youth Olympic Head Coach
Previous SASI Assistant Coach
Previous Pacific Island Hockey Development Officer - Oceania Hockey Federation
6x Premier League Premiership Player
15 years of Junior / Senior State (including AHL)

Our Story
KM Coaching was founded in 2022 by Todd Kitto & Matt Morton with the purpose to service South Australian Hockey. Our aim is to provide quality coaching through clinics, academies, specialist skill camps and coach education workshops.
Todd & Matt share over 20 years experience in both Development & High performance and have a passion to develop the next future stars in South Australian Hockey.