KM Coaching was founded in 2022 by Todd Kitto & Matt Morton. Our aim is to service South Australian hockey by providing quality coaching through clinics, academies, specialist skill camps and coach education workshops.
Todd & Matt share over 20 years experience in both Development & High performance and have a passion to develop the next future stars in South Australian Hockey.
50 Australian dollarsMonday 430pm to 6pm- 630pm Thurs 515pm to 645pm- 715pm **Sessions may go for 90-120min
From 15 Australian dollars

"I loved doing KM Training. I Learned so much, improved my skills and gained lots of confidence. I highly recommend Matt & Todd's coaching to anyone who is serious about their hockey"
- Abbey Phillips, Athlete

"Todd & Matt are great coaches and have a wealth of experience. Yes, they are awesome hockey players but what they excel at is their ability to impart their skills and knowledge to developing players. I highly recommend KM Coaching"
- Kate Anderson, Parent